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How Tarot Can Tell You A Lot About Your Pet:

Tarot Reading Tips / Tarot Spreads

How Tarot Can Tell You A Lot About Your Pet:

I watched a movie ‘Hachiko’ few days’ back where a Japanese Akita dog is still remembered for his remarkable loyalty towards his owner. He continued to wait for over nine years following his owner’s death. This movie gave me inspiration to write this post on pets.  Just because they can’t speak, it doesn’t mean that they are not trying to communicate to us and below goes the spread I developed to understand them much better.

What Inspired me to do pet reading?

“‘When you are back to home from a party or vacation, did you notice how our dear little pet welcomes? They jump on you; they show you how happy they are and how much they missed you. What does this mean that pets do have emotions; they want to love and get loved. They care for us, they cry for us when we are away from them.”

I have developed few customize spreads for your little Gennie (my female dog name) wants to tell you which are available along with this post. All you have to do is simply enter your details and download it straight in your inbox.

When To Consult Your Tarot Reader About Your Pet?

When you see change in your pet’s behavior.

When you want to understand your pet better like his likes & dislikes.

When you want to know what your pet would like to say you?

When a disciplined, well trained dog (or any pet) suddenly behaves in a destructive way.

Please note that your first point of contact should be Vet because they will provide you professional advice for your pet’s health, personality and behavioral changes but not just rely on tarot readings in order to diagnose the problem with your pets.

Layout Of the Cards:


How is your pet feeling right now? – The Chariot

What your pet needs or expectation from you? – Knight of Cups

What your pet enjoys right now? – King of Cups

What your pet dislikes right now? – The Hanged Man

How can you better relate to your pet? – Ten of Cups

If your pet could speak, what would he say to me? – King of Pentacles

Sample Reading:

Using the questions above, I tried first reading on my Genie, the female dog. And the cards that I pulled out were:

The Chariot

Knight of Cups

King of Cups

The Hanged Man

Ten of Cups

King of Pentacles

The Chariot – How is she feeling right now is like The Chariot. She is feeling that her desire or approval doesn’t for her owner if she wants to go or live with anyone there or not. Like a charioteer she has to go anywhere and at any time, she has to follow his commands like a slave. She has no powers to deny or express her wishes.

Knight of Cups – My Gennie wants me to love her, do not get angry at her, and never let her go away from me. I let her go away. Because of this, she is feeling that my love has diminished for her. She wants me to stop her from going or get her back home.

King of Cups – She wants to stay with me all the time and doesn’t want to go away from me. She loves when I scold her lovingly, play with her in the park, walking with me, feed her, prepare her bed at bedtime. But now as she is going now, she is not feeling good. She is upset thinking who will take care of him in this way. She is going to miss all this love and care.

The Hanged Man – She hates this feeling that she has to surrender herself in front of her owner’s wishes. But being a faithful pet she has to listen to his owner.

Ten of Cups – It is not surprising from so many of the cards revealed so far that she wants to live with us only and no one else. She feels completes when she is with me and incomplete when away from me. In order to better relate to her all I need to do is just love her and give her full attention. And everyone knows the fact with animals that their love and affection is unconditional and what else they can expect from us in return.

King of Pentacles – Lol! Is that true, she wants to say this to me? Of course, The King in the card is ‘she’. If she could speak to me, then she would have said me that I should go like she is going now. One day she will also make me move me far from her. She will order me, and then I will realize how much it hurts when I will be away from home.

And in this way I read my pet’s mind and also figured out what she was thinking. Try for yourself, I would love to hear how this spread works for you? I’m sure you will enjoy.

Did you enjoy this article please tell me in the comment box below and share your experiences with me.

Comments (3)

  1. Gunu

    Awsmmmmm….yes they surely are your true friends and true wellvwishers…and its a devine feeling ,so relaxing wen u talk to them ,and being able to knw how they feel is just divine ❤❤❤❤❤

  2. zoritoler imol

    I’ve recently started a website, the info you offer on this website has helped me tremendously. Thanks for all of your time & work.

    1. Thank you & most welcome 🙂

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